Complete Logbook: |
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All flights in detail to be viewed or to be printed. The last page will show total times. |
FAA Form 8710-1: |
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Completed Form Record of Pilot Time (FAA Form 8710-1 Airman Certificate and/or Rating Application, Part III). |
Currencies: |
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VFR (90 days / Landings), IFR 6 months (Aproaches, Holds, Airway Nav.), Medical (Ist, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd <40yrs), IPC, CFI Refresher.... Comprehensive report showing all currency requirements according to the FARs on a single page. |
Flt Rev & Med Info: |
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Your medical and flight review (including check-rides) history. Now it's easy to see if you were legal to fly.. |
Time in AC M&M: |
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This report shows the logbook data of a specific aircraft model. Before the report is generated, you will be asked to enter the aircraft model.The last page will show totals -for an example see report "Complete Logbook". |
All AC M&M flown: |
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All aircraft models you have flown, including total time and time as PIC. |
Time in AC ID: |
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This report shows the logbook data of a specific aircraft (registration). Before the report is generated, you will be asked to enter the aircraft's registration number. The last page will show totals -for an example see Report "Complete Logbook". |
Last 365 Days: |
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All flights of the last 365 days in detail to be viewed or to be printed. The last page will show totals -for an example see Report "Complete Logbook". |
Last 90 Days: |
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All flights of the last 90 days in detail to be viewed or to be printed. The last page will show totals -for an example see Report "Complete Logbook". |
Student Report : |
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Student Report -comes in handy when acting as CFI and the student or the FAA requires a comprehensive report of all flights with this student (here: Joe Smith). |
Tailwheel Time: |
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All flights in tailwheel aircraft in detail to be viewed or to be printed. Most insurance companies do need to know, if you are trying to buy insurance for an tricycle gear aircraft. The last page will show totals -for an example see Report "Complete Logbook". |
Other Time: |
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All flights where the pre-defined field "Other Time" (for example, Alaska time) is not blank. The last page will show totals -for an example see Report "Complete Logbook". |
Airports visited: |
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All airports you have visited. Now you know the answer to the question "have I been there?" The report even shows you when you have last landed at a particular airport. |
Hobbs: |
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This report shows the Hobbs data of a specific aircraft. If your rental/owned aircraft is equipped with a Hobbs-meter, then you should enter Hobbs out and Hobbs into your logbook. Total Hobbs time will automatically be calculated. This helps you to
Virtual Tour - Directions: